Winter time seems appropriate for re-introducing "Cold Water Diving: A Guide to Ice Diving" especially for those of you who experienced last week's nationwide cold snap. John Heine, experienced writer, Diving Safety Instructor, and Polar Programs officer, has been diving in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic for decades. Safe to say this little guide to ice diving is a MUST for anyone wanting to face frigid waters.
One of the reasons why author Paul Mila chose a sea turtle as the main character in Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends was to bring sea turtles to the forefront of peoples' minds when thinking about ocean conservation.
Author Paul Mila, wrote Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends to impart both a social message for young children and also to teach them about sea life.
When author Paul Mila was writing Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends, he and the Best Publishing Company editorial staff wrestled with one main question: should we use his underwater photographs to tell the story, or retain the services of an illustrator?
What does it look like to write a book?